Get started with our new website

New website


Dear exhibitor.

We have spent time and effort creating a new website for the Copenhagen Bike Show together with UdstillerGuide. We ourselves think that the result has been a new, beautiful website, which will bring joy and benefit to both you as an exhibitor and the visitors! And we look forward to showing you around the site, so you can see how you can get even more out of being an exhibitor at Copenhagen Bike Show.


Johannes from UdstillerGuide has made a nice video, which you can see above. In it, he gives you an overview of how the site looks, where everything new you can create is displayed, and how visitors can use the site to plan their visit at home from the sofa. When they arrive at the fair, they have a good overview and can get even more out of their visit.

Give the video a look and let us hear what you have to say about it all.


In addition to all that, you can help create a lot of good SEO for your own website. Because when you create your ExhibitorSide, contacts, brands, products and activities provide backlinks to your own website – and Google likes that!

In your marketing of your stand at SoMe, you have the opportunity to link directly to, for example, your activities. It’s a really good way to get visitors interested in visiting the stand: That they can experience something. Your activities are also included in the overall program.


And to get you started easily and well, there are video instructions on how to set it all up. You will find them right here.


As an exhibitor, you can create the following on the website:

Exhibitor page: Here you can describe your company. The exhibitor page is primarily aimed at B2B visitors.

Contact persons: You can create contact persons who will be displayed on your Exhibitor page. Put a picture of those you can talk to at your stand. This makes it easier for visitors to get in touch.

Brands: Describe the brands that visitors can see at your stand. Brand pages are therefore aimed more at B2C. For some exhibitors, company and brand are the same – other exhibitors have many brands with them.

Products: Under each brand you can create products. It can be specific products or product categories.

Activities: You can create the activities that take place at your stand. They are included in the overall program. Activities are a good way to engage the visitors. They can plan their visit and share their program with others.

Book your meeting here with the exhibitor. You can always cancel by clicking the link in the email. You can also see all your meeting appointments here, along with the selected times for your activities: Your program

Meeting booking

To book a meeting, you must accept that we store data and send you an email and/or text message about the meeting. We don't send information about anything else!

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