Hotel Bella Italia


Hotel Bella Italia

Located in Peschiera del Garda, the Bike Hotel Bella Italia is the ideal starting point for unforgettable cycling experiences to discover Lake Garda.

Starting from the bike hotel you can venture on the famous circular tour of Lake Garda, a 140 km route that runs along the lake and through Veneto, Trentino and Lombardy, an unmissable opportunity to cycle on beautiful roads and discover all the picturesque villages nestled on the lake banks of Garda.

If you are looking for legendary cycling challenges, don’t miss the climbs of Punta Veleno and Sdruzzinà and prepare for double-digit gradients and great satisfaction.

The Bike Hotel Bella Italia is also ideal for pleasant rides. Enter the moraine hills and discover ancient villages such as Castellaro Lagusello or Borghetto, or take the Peschiera-Mantua cycle path which runs along the Mincio river and reaches the city of Gonzaga for a pleasant city tour.

Likewise, Verona and the Valpolicella vineyards are easily reachable by bicycle.


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