B2B stands for Bike2Business


A unique opportunity for business

Copenhagen Bike Show is a great opportunity to create visibility for your brand and meet new or existing partners.

But remember that preparation is crucial to your success.

Create visibility for your product

In addition to the interest your brand creates for the visiting end-users, your presence will also generate interest among Nordic partners who can bring your brand into the Scandinavian market or expand your existing position.

Find new partners

Over the years, many brands have found new distributors, importers and agents at Copenhagen Bike Show.

As the largest recurring cycling event in Scandinavia, it’s a great opportunity to match new and existing brands with industry partners.

Preparation is essential

Even if you plan to attend the Copenhagen Bike Show and meet thousands of visiting end customers, remember to set aside resources for B2B meetings and conversations at your stand.

Through our meeting booking, you can plan your time in advance to get the most out of your participation.

Book your meeting here with the exhibitor. You can always cancel by clicking the link in the email. You can also see all your meeting appointments here, along with the selected times for your activities: Your program

Meeting booking

To book a meeting, you must accept that we store data and send you an email and/or text message about the meeting. We don't send information about anything else!

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